I am Zuyil, which is just my pen name and an anagram of my first name Juliuz. Interested in pursuing the height of skills in drawing and programming. I am very fond of learning, trying different techniques, seeing other people’s work, on my current commitments, and sharing it through here to serve as both as an experience log and a bit easier telling of stories. I mainly spend time and energy into things that piques my curiosity, things that seems fun to do, or whatever I see that I feel “I wanted to do that too”.
I started studying it when a friend introduced me to it. We learned together and was very lucky to have another friend who was good at it. He taught me how to program in C language, back then I don’t have any personal computer of some sort so I started with a phone, luckily phones are modern at that time and there were some apps that lets you compile C language. After I get a bit proficient, I started borrowing my brother’s laptop and learning through the book “Learn Python the Hard Way”, and it was from then I started to think I can earn at least a bit of money with it.
I have been very lucky to get into the software engineering industry after I dropped out of college. Earning my first freelance work was as challenging as others described it. Until someone took a chance on me, which where essentially my career took off to. Then it was a string of good people who taught me in every part of my journey, leading me here with good people in a good company.
It started really in wanting to do some 3D art with blender. I have been really wanting to design some scenes in 3D, as there were some visions that flashes to me whenever I was holding a charcoal pencil and a pocket notebook, although it was just a hit-or-miss. Some days I produce good scenes, most days are just bad. Nothing really special.
Then, I encountered some voxel art and it was quite amazing I thought. I wanted to do some of that too but got overwhelmed when I downloaded the voxel art tool. Went back to Blender but it frustrated me thinking “ah, I may need at least some good art skills”. So, I went to paper and tried working on my drawing.
There was no direction really, but I wanted to have at least some roadmap. So, I went to https://drawabox.com and started doing drills. It was fine after few papers, but I got bored easily and got tired of it. Thinking back, I should’ve focused more on doing it properly instead of finishing it quickly, that might make it more enjoyable.
Then, I started looking into digital painting because it was a long-time dream to learn. Produced a lot but really going nowhere. It was just frustration after frustration. Which was funny, when I was working on some paintings, it looked good to me, then after a while, it gets ugly.
It’s just that then, I started to watch some YouTube videos. Learning first whatever is important, whatever I can learn to boost my progress. Learning what should I prioritize first. Then went to online courses—shading courses to start, learning how values work, then using shapes, then using colors, and so on.
I’m at the point where I can start inventing some characters. I’m not good at it yet, but I found that participating in daily challenges in the internet helps a lot. Another point is to also improve your visual library as you go on, and it can be just meditating through drawings and patterns or whatever that gets your hand working.
Elden Ring (DLC) Fanart - Leda
The links below are the collection of inspirations for this website. If ever you find it interesting.